I. Fat is important

In our daily life we don’t worry about how we should get tomorrow ‘s food, unless we are extremely poor. If we get hungry, we can buy sandwiches at a convenience store even at 3 o’clock in the middle of the night. But in the past ten thousands years or even several thousands years, tomorrow’s meal was the biggest problem.Therefore, we were always afraid that food would be unavailable tomorrow, and the body was equipped with a system to preserve energy surplus obtained from today’s food. The most efficient way was to store it as fat.
If excess sugar is accumulated in the body as it is sugar, we surely suffer from diabetes. And cancer cells like sugar, the incidence of cancer rises. Because extra calories are transformed into fat, we do not suffer from serious diseases. And fat cells secret Leptin (a peptide hormone) that helps to regulate energy balance. In other words, fat is very important. It is something we must not miss, and is never an enemy to hate.

II. White Fat Cell and Brown Fat Cell

There are 2 types of fat cells — White Fat Cell (WFC) and Brown Fat Cell (BFC). Average adults have about 30 billion WFC in the body. But obese people have double of that — 60 billion. WFC is deposited as Visceral Fat and Subcutaneous Fat. Compared with WFC, BFC is very small. The diameter is one tenth of that of WFC and its number is 0.5% ~1% of WFC. BFC is deposited only around the neck and shoulder blades.

BFC contains a lot of mitochondria and plays an important role to produce energy. And it is necessary to keep normal body temperature. When some animals hibernate in cold winter, their BFC produces heat by burning fat without exercise.

III. Visceral Fat and Subcutaneous Fat

The troublesome fat is the white fat cells that are deposited around the internal organs such as the mesentery. It is called Visceral Fat (VF). We need proper amount of VF, because it sustains the right position of internal organs and plays a role of cushion to soften shocks from outside the body. But if too much, the excess fat cells produce TNF-α (Tumor Necrosis Factor-α ) and PAI-1(plasminogen activator inhibitor-1). And it brings about insulin resistance, Type 2 diabetes, thrombosis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and what is called, metabolic syndrome.

Another Fat Cells that are deposited under the skin is called Subcutaneous Fat (SF) which are mostly White Fat Cells, too. We would like to reduce subcutaneous fat to make our appearance better (= becoming slim), and we often try difficult diets and hard exercise to reduce “weight”, and almost in vain! But SF doesn’t bring about so serious damage to our health as VF. If the adverse effect on the heart and vascular system of VF is taken as 100, the adverse effect of SF might be about 30. And SF is sometimes even beneficial for our health.

First of all Subcutaneous Fat (SF) protects us from cold climate. Especially in Ice Age it was very important. And what is more important is that SF keeps adipose-derived stem cells (ASC) that can differentiate into muscle, bone, cartilage, liver, etc. As they have a faster growth rate, these cells are expected to be advantageous for regenerative medicine. And besides the advantages as stem cell, ASC secrets exsosome (nano-sized particles) that contain enzymes which dissolve beta-amyloid of Alzheimer’s disease.(For detailed explanation : http://en.drmakise.com/stemcell/)

Of course, overweight due to SF is very burdensome in the case of joint problem such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. And what annoys us most is this subcutaneous fat (SF), not visceral fat (VF). Because VF is not visible easily, usually people don’t notice even its existence. To measure VF accurately, CT scan is necessary. But regarding SF, just seeing the belly or pinching the skin is enough, when too obese. Very easy to know it!

IV. "Fat Syndrome" -- Visceral Fat is the Cause of Many Diseases.

Visceral Fat (VF) is much bigger issue than Cholesterol. Now medical world is getting noticed how serious damage we suffer by the accumulation of VF. This is key point.
The below are just sample articles scientifically proved.


Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Hepatic Cancer, PCOS, ALS, Psoriasis, Fatty Liver, Esophagus problems, Insulin Resistance, Diabetes, COPD(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), etc.
And those who have large amount of VF are said to suffer from myocardial infarction 35 times more likely than those who have normal amount of VF. And of course, VF is the most important criterion of Metabolic Syndrome.
In addition, aromatization of testosterone to estrogen is positively correlated with VF. Therefore VF brings about “Estrogen Dominance” both to men and women. Consequently, diseases related to too much estrogen are triggered by VF.

This is enough for us to understand why VF is our utmost urgent issue in any countries — not only in developed countries but also in developing countries. VF would terminate humans unless we take action against VF. Let’s call this problem ” Visceral Fat Syndrome” or simply “Fat Syndrome”.

V. How to Reduce Visceral Fat (VF) --- The simplest and effortless method is PAF remedy.

  1. Exercise: Even 30-minute-walk can be helpful.
  2. Diet: Many kinds of diets are advocated. Generally Vegetarian or Low Carbohydrate Diet ( or even regular fasting) is often recommended. They should be effective to reduce VF.

But if we could do right “Exercise and Diet” continuously (or fasting!!), we wouldn’t face at the problem of “Fat Syndrome” on a global scale. In other words, most of us in any countries are lazy enough and we prefer being “Couch Potato”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sedentary_lifestyle
We like sedentary life style watching TV and love to eat sweets.

So, we must choose a different strategy. That is ” Probiotics, Adiponectin, and Fucoxanthin “. The combination of these 3 substances can reduce our visceral fat without any hard efforts. Let’s call this PAF remedy.

A. Lactobacillus gasseri SBT2055 & Lactobacillus amylovorus CP1563

Did you know that more than 100 trillion bacteria live in your body? According to researchers, in reality it may be much more than this. And do you know the total weight of the bacteria? It is 1 kg that is weight of the liver. In other words, we always live with bacteria that have almost the same weight as the liver in our body. Many of the bacteria are in the intestine. Therefore it is quite easy for us to understand that our health is influenced by the bacterial flora of the gut.
When we consider the influence of gut bacteria regarding to obesity, two main families are important. In the gut of obese people phylum firmicutes is more dominant than phylum bacteroidetes.

One of the biggest Japanese dairy companies, Megmilk Snow Brand Group, http://www.meg-snow.com/english/ has found special bacteria,”Lactobacillus gasseri SBT2055 “, can reduce visceral fat.
They put the bacteria in their yogurt. And they began its sale to Japanese markets since last year.

Another bacteria, Lactobacillus amylovorus CP1563 is researched in other Japanese company, Calpis Co., Ltd, and they find the bacteria can also reduce visceral fat. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3402/mehd.v27.30312
They put this bacteria in their soft drink. It is available in any Japanese supermarkets, and I do hope it will be soon available in your country, too.

B. Increase Adiponectin by Chalcones of Ashitaba

The main polyphenols contained in Ashitaba are chalcones that belong to flavonoid. Chalcone is an aromatic ketone and an enone that plays many core roles in biological reactions. Especially two chalcones contained in Ashitaba ; Xanthoangelol, and 4-Hydroxyderricin, increase Adiponectin production in our body very much, and Adiponectin exerts wonderful effect on reducing visceral fat.

Adiponectin is a protein hormone that plays an important role in glucose regulation and fatty acid oxidation. A lot of researches have proved Adiponectin to be inversely correlated with body mass index. The more obese, the less Adiponectin. But this hormone is secreted from fat cell (small sized fat cells). Rather contradicted. But at this moment the exact mechanism of regulation is unknown.

Other natural substances such as Capsaicin, Gigerol, Berberine, Omega-3 Unsaturated Fatty Acids, Catechins (Teadenol), Raspberry Ketone increase
Adiponectin. A special mushroom, Panellus serotinus, commonly known as the “Late Oyster” is said to have a substance that increase Adiponectin, too.
But compared with Ashitaba Chalcones, effect of these substances is very minimal.

Ashitaba is an indigenous plan to the Izu Islands that are a group of volcanic islands stretching south and east from the Izu Peninsula, Japan. Now it belongs to Tokyo Prefecture, and there are flights between the islands and Tokyo. But until 150 years ago, the islands were very remote and two of them were used to place internal exiles. They were engaged in arduous compulsory labor. To support their never waning stamina they ate this plant daily, because the local people and the exiles knew of Ashitaba’s powerful tonic effects. Traditionally they boiled this plant or added it to soup. And the powder of Ashitaba is mixed with buckwheat powder to make nutritious soba noodles. Recently Ashitaba is cultivated in other Japanese islands and also in some Southeast Asian countries.

C. Fucoxanthin

Fucoxanthin is a xanthophyll, like astaxanthin. But fucoxanthin is different from astaxanthin in that fucoxanthin promotes fat burning within fat cells in white adipose tissue by increasing the expression of thermogenin. Fucoxanthin is contained as an accessory pigment in the chloroplasts of brown algae such as Undaria pinnatifida (Wakame), Saccharina japonica (Makonbu), Sargassum fulvellum (Hondawara).

Proteins called UCP1 (Mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1: uncoupling protein 1) are specifically expressed on the inner mitochondrial membrane of brown fat cells (BFC). UCP1 is a key substance of heat production and it burns extra fat. However, since adults have few brown fat cells, there are few UCP1. But when we take fucoxanthin, UCP1 is expressed in many white fat cells (WFC), and fat is burned! That is to say, you can lose weight! This is a very important discovery, but strangely enough, it is not well known. At the present time, food ingredients expressing UCP1 in WFC other than fucoxanthin have not been found.

Fucoxanthin is hydrolyzed in the gastrointestinal tract and turns into fucoxanthinol, which is further metabolized to amaranthoxaunchin A in the liver, which actually acts. Therefore, it is important that the partial structure of C = C = C (called Allen structure) in which two double bonds are consecutive between the three carbons. Without this structure it is speculated that it will not work. Lutein and astaxanthin do not have an Allen structure.

Caffeine or capsaicin stimulates the sympathetic nerves and promote the secretion of Noradrenaline ( = Norepinephrine) . When Noradrenaline binds to the β3 adrenergic receptor, UCP1 is expressed in brown fat cells (BFC). But this occurs only in BFC. Not in white fat cells (WFC). If you are working in medical fields, please refer this webpage.

VI. The Simple Techniques That Help You to Reduce Your Fat.

A. Don't Go to Bed After Midnight.

Please go to bed till 11 pm at latest. The best is till 9 pm or till 10 pm. If you go to bed later than 12 am (midnight), your thyroid hormone T4 (tetraiodothyronine) is not well converted to T3 (triiodothyronine). T3 is physiologically much more active than T4,and T3 activates metabolism.
If your metabolism gets sluggish, you cannot reduce your fat.
Why cannot the conversion of T4 to T3 be done well if you sleep after midnight? Because for the conversion growth hormone plays an important role and if you go to bed very late at night the secretion of growth hormone from pituitary gland gets insufficient. Usually growth hormone is most secreted between 11 pm to 3 am or 3 hours after you fall asleep.

You know well human growth hormone is touted very much as Anti-Aging supplement. Some Anti-Aging clinics offer injections of growth hormone. But you don’t need the supplement or injection. Just go to bed earlier. But no doctors tell the truth. If you have many works to do, you can do them early morning. You can get up 4 am or 5 am in the morning, and do the works.
To become a monk of Zen Buddhism and other Buddhist sects, young people need very hard training and ascetic practice. Time of sleep is sometimes only 4 hours. But they go to bed at 11 pm and get up 3 am. They sleep during the most important time for keeping health. Traditionally they know the crucial time for the physiology of the human body.

And don’t go to bed as soon as you finish your dinner or supper. 2 hours or more after the meals is recommended. Because if blood glucose level is high, the pituitary gland doesn’t secret growth hormone well.

B. Don't Sleep Soon After Any Meals.

But regardless dinner or supper,if you sleep soon after meals, you may accumulate fat. The newest research (New Hoorn Study) done in Netherlands has proved that those who take a nap suffer from Metabolic Syndrome more likely than those who don’t take a nap. The most ancient medicine, Ayurveda medicine, knew it since a few thousands years ago, and it doesn’t recommend us to take a nap after lunch.

C. Take Dinner Within 12 Hours After You Get Up.

You should take your dinner or supper within 12 hours after you get up. For example, if you get up at 7 am in the morning, you should take your last meal till 7 pm. Because our body generates fat very much in our body 14 hours after we get up.
So, here is the worst example to become obese.

At 8 am you get up –> skip breakfast —> at noon lunch —> soon take a nap more than 30 minutes —> at 11 pm take dinner or supper —> after midnight go to bed.
If you continue this life style, nothing can help you to shed off your fat. Even PAF remedy (Probiotics, Adiponectin, and Fucoxanthin) is not able to reduce your fat.

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