Therapeutic Prescriptions by Vitaminx & Minerals
VIII. Foods to be careful of
1. Margarine is junk oil!
There are some who still believe that margarine has less cholesterol and is healthier than butter. Margarine is, in fact, a very dangerous oil. Margarine (and also shortening) is altered so it is a solid at room temperature like natural oils, butter and lard, and contains unsaturated oils that contain lots of linoleic acid such as soybean oil and corn oil and hydrogen. Although the chemical formulas are the same, it is in a “trans form”, and not in its natural form.
Since it does not function as an essential fatty acid, is it consumed in the body as junk oil, and uses lots of vitamins and minerals in that process. Most importantly, this trans-form junk oil helps produce prostaglandin E2, a malignant eicosanoid, and hampers the production of prostaglandin E1 and E3, which are both benign eicosanoids. As a result, skin inflammations are worsened. Also, these unnatural trans-form oils cannot be used to make the cell membrane, and in turn, makes the cell membrane weaker and susceptible to infiltrations.
Germany has already banned the production of margarine, and America has started to oblige companies to show that their products contain trans-fatty acids since January 1, 2006.
2. Let's Keep Chocolate for Valentine's Day Only
Patients who eat chocolate do not recover as easily. Cacao has a strong antioxidant effect that halts active oxygen, and although there are “chocolate health guides”, AD patients should not eat chocolate. There is most likely a problem with the oils and beans that are used to make chocolate, which causes itchiness to intensify. Limit yourself to eating chocolate once a year, on Valentines Day. In addition to chocolate, do not eat cocoa; also, instead of drinking coffee, drink tea.
3. Milk is also to be avoided
Milk is something that calves eat, not people. Once schools started to serve milk for lunch, AD became prominent among students.
Also, many Asians are genetically lactose intolerant and cannot fully digest the lactose in milk. When this lactose builds up in the intestines, increases the osmotic pressure on the intestinal walls and pulls out the water, which causes stomach aches. I will elaborate on why it is important to keep your intestines healthy, and the intestines are said to be the “second brain” and are tied to emotions while being the major immune organ. To inhibit the functions of the intestines is very bad for AD patients.
Also, milk fat contains lots of progesterone (a type of female hormone), which increases Th2 cells and triggers allergic reactions. Boys, in particular, are severely affected by this since their bodies cannot adapt to the amounts of female hormones.
However, many mothers, encouraged by ignorant doctors and foolish dieticians, give their children milk with the hopes that the calcium will make them stronger. It is true that calcium is important; however some of the countries that consume the most milk have the most osteoporosis patients. The fact is, the more kids drink milk, the fracture rate goes up, and the condition of the blood will not be balanced. Calcium can be obtained from small fish and fresh vegetables. Keep in mind that animals with large bone structures, such as elephants, eat only grass. The bones that support those 10 ton bodies are made from calcium from grass. Also, when you drink too much milk, the balance between calcium and magnesium gets disrupted, and minerals such as iron, manganese, and zinc do not get absorbed, which triggers a condition called milk anemia. The country with the most cavities is New Zealand, which also happens to be the biggest milk consumer in the World as well. Conversely, the group with the healthiest teeth is the native tribe in Australia, which doesn’t consume any dairy products.
AD patients should avoid milk unless they are in extreme situations. Asians, in particular, should avoid milk. I have never seen a Chinese dish that used milk. The Chinese, with their long chain of history, knew that milk was not good for them. If your child is scared of being the only student not drinking the milk during lunch, please talk with his or her teacher try to take a flexible approach.
* Many people have asked whether they could drink soy milk instead of regular milk. Although it is better than regular milk, drinking too much soy milk is not recommended as well. Why is this so? When you eat too much soy products, or in other words take in too much soy protein and soy milk, your body will suffer from thyroid deficiency. Please be cautious of this condition. Try searching “thyroid” and “soy bean” on the internet. Although some articles you find will be biased, you will find lots of articles stating that soybeans that don’t undergo the process of fermentation should not be taken excessively. However, it is safe to eat miso (fermented soybean paste) and natto (fermented soybeans).
* The milk mentioned here is pasteurized milk, which are the ones that are sold in supermarkets, convenience stores, and delivered straight to your home. Fresh milk is somewhat good for your health, but I will talk about this later on.
4. Be careful of wheat
Patients with light symptoms of AD should use the right amount of steroidal ointments for the corresponding symptoms, take in less oil and protein, and alleviate the imbalance between Th2 and Th1 cells to cure their condition. However, if you suffer from heavy symptoms such as intense itchiness that doesn’t even let you sleep, nodular prurigo, or lichenification, you must take other measures as well.
Wheat is said to be one of the 5 major allergens, and should be treated accordingly. There are many food products containing flour. These products can be classified as soft flour, all purpose flour, or hard flour depending on the amount of gluten. These groups should be approached differently. Gluten is many from fiberous glutenin and spherical gliadin. The glutenin is a very powerful allergen, but aliadin is known to cause some allergies as well.
Strong flour is 11.5 to 13.5 % gluten, and is used in bread, pizza, the skin of dumplings, macaroni, and ramen (Chinese noodles). All purpose flour is 8.5 to 10.5% g gluten, and is used in udon, somen (Japanese vermicelli) and doughnuts. Soft flour is 7 to 8.5% gluten and is used in cake, sweets, and tempura coating.
Patients with severe AD symptoms should not eat foods with lots of gluten such as bread, pizza, spaghetti, macaroni, and ramen. Instead, they should eat udon and somen. However, as the symptoms get better, you can eat gluten rich foods again, so you will only need to patient. Furthermore, ramen noodles tend to have a coat of oil, so even if your symptoms get better, you should not eat ramen.
Also, soba (buckwheat noodles) does not use wheat, but contains the most protein (albumin and globulin) out of all noodles, and should be avoided as well. Also, even adults with fully developed intestines can form soba allergies, so be careful.
As mentioned before, there are A-cut bread, made from A-cut rice, so if you need to eat bread, please order these from the internet.
5. Pay attention to rice as well.
These days, Asian foods, such as Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese dishes, are being eaten all over the world. However, rice contains lots of fat and protein. White (polished) rice commonly used in Japan contains 6 grams of protein and 1 gram of fat per 100 grams. This becomes a large amount if you eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Also, people tend to be rushed in the morning and gobble everything down, which makes matters even worse. Since they don’t chew, the protein in the rice does not break down into amino acids, and remains as polypeptides. This, as mentioned before, causes skin irritation and can also be an allergen.
When linoleic acid accumulates on the cell membrane and you become so sensitive to allergies that you even react to the fat and protein in rice, you should be careful of what you eat, especially if it is the staple of your country. Stop eating rice for at least one month (if your condition is really bad, stop eating it for 6 months). Instead of rice, try eating potatoes, sweet potatoes, and pumpkins.
However, if you really want to eat rice, you can eat A-cut rice instead. The A in A-cut stands for “Allergy”, and the proteins, which become allergens, are treated in a way that the allergic reactions will be “cut”. There are only 2.1 grams of protein, which are already broken down into smaller pieces, in 100 grams of A-cut rice. This rice is obviously more expensive than normal rice. This rice is in a boil-in-bag, and once it is boiled it looks and tastes exactly like normal rice. If you are interested, you can order it from the internet (this is different from musenmai, rice that’s already been cleaned so it doesn’t have bran on it).
Also, for the reasons mentioned above, brown (unpolished) rice is extremely bad for AD patients. There are 7 grams of protein and 3 grams of fat per 100 grams of brown rice. In general, brown rice will make you healthier, but if you have AD, asthma, or allergic diseases such as hay fever, you should avoid eating brown rice. This can be said for mochi rice (rice used for rice cakes) and millets, which have more protein. You should also avoid eating okaki (toasted rice cakes) since they are made from mochi rice as well. If you encounter doctors that say brown rice is good for AD patients, know that they are unscrupulous liars or clueless and avoid them.
If you are careful with your diet and follow these guidelines, you will get better. Eventually you will be able to eat rice without suffering from side effects, so be hopeful.
6. Eggs
Until 4 or 5 years ago, I allowed patients older than junior high school students to eat eggs. However, eggs made these days have too much protein, and for those who do not exercise regularly, not eating eggs will quicken your recovery. There are some patients who eat mainly Japanese dishes but do not heal quickly since they put eggs on their rice. This ruins the nutritional value of a Japanese meal.
Yolk contains arachidonic acid, and egg whites contain a protein called avidin. I’ve already explained how arachidonic acid metabolizes malignant eicoasnodoids. Avidin gets in the way of the absorption of an important vitamin for AD treatment, biotin.
Mayonnaise, which is a mixture of eggs and oil containing liniolic acid, is particularly harmful. Eggs are also used in cakes, so people with severe symptoms should avoid eating cakes.
I can almost hear your cries saying “How do I get protein if I can’t eat all these foods?”. The answer is simple. Seafood, as well as soybean products that have undergone fermentation, such as miso and natto (however, don’t take in soybean protein) are good sources of protein. However, those who exercise regularly and sweat a lot can start to eat beef shabushabu, a Japanese dish with sliced and boiled meat, (do not, however, eat pork shabushabu) and eggs if their symptoms improve. Otherwise, the extreme diet restriction will trigger stress and worsen situations.
7. White Sugar
White sugar, refined from sugarcanes, damages your health. It weakens the functions of white blood cells, and excessively consumes minerals, such as chrome and magnesium, and vitamins, especially Vitamin B. I will explain later how Vitamin B is essential to treat AD. White sugar gets absorbed in the intestines very quickly, and makes the body secrete too much insulin. Insulin will activate Δ5desaturase(an enzyme), increase arachidonic acid levels, and helps the production of malignant eicosanoids. Avoid eating sweets.
8. Curry Rice
Curry powder contains curcumin, a strong antioxidant, and is generally good for your health. Have you heard of a plant named turmeric? If you look it up on the internet, you will find mountains of pages about it. It is said to cure all kinds of diseases, and although it sounds dubious, it is, in fact, useful and effective. A major constituent of turmeric is curcumin.
However, the curry roux in instant curry contains type linoleic acid oils, so be careful. You can make a delicious AD patient-oriented curry if you just buy the curry powder, use seafood for flavor, use olive oil for oil, and substitute mushrooms, vegetables, and shellfish for beef, pork, and chicken.
What you need to keep in mind is that the dietary advice above is not for those who have developed AD because of food allergies. Even if you are not allergic to meat, dairy products, chocolate, wheat, rice, or eggs, you should avoid eating them. Even children tend to not develop AD because of food allergies. For adults, it is more rare to find AD caused by food allergies.
Also, there are doctors who claim that these dietary restrictions are too strict and will hamper a child’s growth and parents who believe this and get worried, but I am basically saying that you should cut down on protein and fat, which is not an extreme restriction. These restrictions will not cause any problems in development. The only reason why people are making menus that harm a child’s growth is because of food being separated from the local area dietetics, a study not supported by basic science, and doctors and dieticians who believe this.
This is information obtained from Dr. Makise’s having cured atopic dermatitis of 40,000 people or more in total and the latest and highest atopic dermatitis treatment. But this is provided for information only. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this website; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating their health. Readers who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. Dr. Makise is not responsible for errors or omissions.
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